Meditation With Emerald

  • I am worthy of unconditional love from myself, my family, and my friends.
  • All of my past traumas have been resolved and healed so that I can move forward in a positive way.
  • My inner beauty shines forth like the sun in the sky and is evident to all who look upon me!
  • I am loved by an infinite source of love, wisdom, and abundance.
  • My mind is filled with positive thoughts that are free from all negativity.
  • All the broken pieces of my life have been put back together. I can now move forward in a way that will benefit me.
  • I am surrounded by helpful people who guide me toward success and abundance.
  • My life is filled with positive thoughts that are free from negativity and full of love, joy, and happiness!
  • I am always in the right place at the right time!
  • I attract loving people, situations, and things into my life every day.
  • The past is behind me now so I can begin moving forward in a way that will benefit me.
  • Every day is filled with love, happiness, and joy!
  • I am always in the right place at the right time.
  • Every day I attract loving people, situations, and things into my life!
  • I have an abundance of blessings that are overflowing into my life every moment of every day!
  • My thoughts are positive and full of love, joy, peace, and happiness!
  • Love is all around me! I can feel it surrounding my body like a protective shield.
  • I am worthy of unconditional love because I am beautiful inside and out!
  • My life has value and meaning to it.
  • Every day brings new opportunities for growth in my life.
  • I am capable of anything I want to be capable of doing!
  • All my past traumas have been resolved and healed so I can move forward in a positive way.